Dr. R.K.B. Law College and Nowgong Law College in collaboration with the Annual International Journal on Intellectual Property and Corporate Affairs (AIJIPCA) an initiative of Aequitas Victoria Foundation invites scholarly papers on the theme “Emerging Trends of Intellectual Property and Innovations in Corporate Sector in the Contemporary World” on the occasion of World Intellectual Property Day.
The two glorious law colleges of Assam namely, Dr. Rohini Kanta Barua Law College of Dibrugarh and Nowgong Law College of Nagaon in its joint venture and collaboration with Aequitas Victoria Foundation in pursuit of academic excellence purposes to organize the National Seminar on 24th and 25th April 2022.
The Seminar is intended to disseminate awareness on the role of IPR in protecting the rights of the creators/ inventors and thereby act as a catalyst for the expansion of IP in different disciplines of human civilization. It is also intended to create a platform for discussion on the impact of IP in the socio-economic development of a country and thereby stimulate innovations.
At the same time, the dynamics and complexities of the corporate world are ever-increasing. Various factors such as pressure for internalization, competition, technological advancement, disruptive technological intervention in markets, developments in the financial and securities market, changes in consumer demands, etc. have necessitated regular review and amendments in the existing legal framework connected with the corporate world.
So, the organizers welcome the academicians, researchers, professionals, etc. working in different fields of IP and corporate sector to come forward and share their research work having novelty on important issues for the benefit of all.
Date of Release of the Call for Papers: February 22, 2022
Last Date for Registration: March15, 2022
Last Date for Paper Submission: March 30, 2022
Date for Confirmation of Selected Papers: April 01, 2022
Date of Seminar: April 24 & 25, 2022
There is no Registration Fee for this Seminar.
All participants including Paper Presenters are required to register and Paper Presenters shall separately submit their papers through the submit button.
The Registration shall be through Google Form.
Registration Here
For Paper Submission
The Venue of the Seminar will be Online Platform
The Seminar is multidisciplinary. The Judges, Advocates, Academicians irrespective of any disciplines, Research Scholars, Students, or any other professionals who have done any research or any activities in the field of Intellectual Property or Corporate Affairs can participate in this seminar.
The SEMINAR aims at achieving the following objectives:
The seminar is intended to offer an opportunity to share insight with experts and participants from various sectors covering IP and corporate laws.
To enhance new ideas that could help presenters advance their research and forge new professional relationships.
At the end of the seminar, the following outcomes are expected to outline:
Acquaint with the current issues of corporate and competition law in the contemporary world.
Innovations and applications of advanced ideas in business or corporate or organizational sectors.
Socio-economic benefits through strong and enforced Intellectual Property Rights.
Evolution of the concepts of Intellectual Property and Business Studies; Historical Perspectives;
Theoretical aspects on Intellectual Property and Theories of Business Laws; Business Administration; Management; etc. and their relevance in the modern world;
Emerging Trends in the regimes of IP and corporate field;
Traditional Knowledge of Local Communities and their contribution as cultural heritage;
Challenges in IP enforcement in India;
Cyber Threat in the IP and corporate sector;
Interface between IPR and Competition Law/ policy in India;
IP and Sustainable Development;
Blend of Geographical Indication with the regional economic development;
Contribution of women in innovative policies under IP and corporate regime;
Changing dimensions of public interest under IP and corporate sector;
Comparative analysis of IP over corporations between traditional and contemporary world;
Indian Education System and its adaptability for building efficient Business Ventures;
Corporate Social Responsibility; Public Liability; Environmental concerns for doing Business; Insurance; Labor Welfare and other Labor-related topics;
Gender perspectives in Business;
Establishment of Companies; Entrepreneurships; Start-ups; NGO’s and Local Self-Groups and their business criteria and process;
Make in India; Atmanirbhar Bharat; Digital India; Look-East Policy; etc. and their relevance in doing Business in India;
The post-pandemic scenario of innovations in Intellectual Property and Corporate Sector in India;
Global policies and avenues for doing Business; Foreign Deposit Investments; World Economic Order; Global flow of currency; Blockchain; Cryptocurrency; etc.
Any other relevant issues relating to IP laws for business innovation.
All the above themes are not exhaustive. The scholars are free to choose any other topic that falls within the domain of the main theme.
The research papers shall adhere to the following formatting guidelines:
The length of the paper shall not be less than 3,000 words and more than 5,000 words;
The paper shall have an abstract of a maximum of 250 words with four to six keywords;
The Heading of the paper shall be typed in Capital, Bold, Font Size 16, Times New Roman, Central Aligned;
The main body shall be in Times New Roman, Font Size 12, Line Spacing 1.5, Justified Aligned;
Sub-headings shall be in Bold but shall not be in the capital with Font Size 12, Line Spacing 1.5, Justified Aligned;
Sub-Sub Headings shall be in italics with Font Size 12, Line Spacing 1.5, Justified Aligned,
Sub-sub-sub-Headings shall be numbered with roman numerical;
Images shall be Central Aligned and with clarity and authorities shall be duly cited wherein case if images are self-created then such shall be mentioned in the Footnote Section;
All charts and tables shall be center-aligned and the authorities shall be duly cited;
OSCOLA 4th Edition shall be used for citation and footnotes shall be in Times New Roman, Font Size 10, Justified aligned, and Single Line Spacing.
The participants shall strictly adhere to the following guidelines:
Co-authorship for each paper is allowed up to two authors;
No single author can submit more than one paper;
The Abstract shall be separately typed in, or pasted in the Google Form:
In the case of two authors for the same paper, only one author shall fill up the submission form;
No name or any other personal details shall be mentioned within the manuscript;
All submissions shall be made through Google Form;
Only word files are accepted, pdf files shall be summarily rejected;
The name of the document shall be saved by the title of the paper;
All submissions shall be made within the due date of submission.
Suggestions and inputs from Experienced and Learned Panelists;
All the Paper Presenters shall be provided with an e-Certificate of Presentation
The Best Paper Presenter and the Best Research Paper shall be provided with certificates of merit separately;
Selected top 20 papers shall be published in the Journal: Annual International Journal on Intellectual Property and Corporate Affairs (AIJIPCA);
The next 30 selected papers shall be published in an ISBN Book;
All participants will be provided with a participation certificate.