The Role of Traditional Knowledge in Sustainable Development and Implications of Intellectual Property in Pharmaceuticals
Influence of Cyber World and Artificial Intelligence on Intellectual Property and Corporate Sector in India
Social and Economic Perspective of Business and Intellectual Property in India
Global Perspectives and Evolution of Concepts Related to Intellectual Property and Business
Unveiling the Veil: A Distinctive Approach to Analysing Trade Secrets and Patents
The Significance of Protection of Intellectual Property Rights
Understanding the Intersection of Artificial Intelligence and Intellectual Property Rights
The Role of TRIPS Agreement in Sustainable Development: An Overview
Challenges of Implementing Law on the Anarchic Side of the Internet: A Socio-Legal Study into the Dark Web and Darknet
Patentability of AI Inventions in India: Promising Features and Preliminary Concerns
Navigating the Realm of AI Creations and Intellectual Property
The Effectiveness of Indian Banking Ombudsman on Its Customers
Intellectual Property Awareness and Drug Control: A Conundrum in Contemporary Legal Landscape
A Comparative Analysis of the Applicability of the Madrid Protocol - with Reference to India and the United States of America
Defining the Term “Investment” in the Realm of International Investment Law
Trade Secrets for Bodo Traditional Clothing: An Empirical Study with Special Reference to Dumbazar and Kumguri Villages, Gossaigaon Sub–Division, Kokrajhar, Assam
A Comparative Analysis of Copyright Law and Video Games
Operating Agreement: A Cornerstone of Your Business Structures in the United States of America
Trade Secrets and Confidential Information: A Cross-Jurisdictional Examination of India and China
Font Fortification: Bridging The Gaps in India’s Copyright Castle