Founder and History
The Founder and Co-Founder of Aequitas Victoria Foundation, Mr. Jayanta Boruah, and Mr. Sarthak Aryan respectively along with Dr. Sujata Bhatacharyya, Principal Nowgong Law College, and Dr. Gautomi Dutta, Principal Dr. R.K.B. Law College planned for establishing a platform to encourage the spirit of research amongst the students of intellectual property and corporate affairs. The plan for opening this journal even formed the backbone of creating the Aequitas Victoria Foundation as a publisher. The working and development process started as soon as the First Foundation Day celebration of the organization on August 15th, 2020 was over. The year 2020 which was marked as a blockade in the development of constructive platforms due to the outbreak of COVID-19 allowed the Founders of Aequitas Victoria Foundation to open this platform on the very Independence Day of the nation (India). Initially, the Journal was planned to be opened at the National Level but later on, due to overwhelming support and love from all the members of the Board of Advisors as well as from the Official members, the Managing Committee of all the above organizations decided to launch this Journal at the International Level. Subsequently, several discussions were held, and on July 4, 2021, after surviving several phases of unfortunate pandemic, a Resolution from the platform of Aequitas Victoria Foundation for establishing this Journal was adopted.